Saturday, September 24, 2011

Just another Saturday...

I decided to take a walk this morning and the Plymouth Parade was going on so it was a perfect excuse for a nice walk.  It was weird to watch a parade where you don't know anyone watching it or in it.  Except I think I caught a glimpse of a little girl that used to go to the Goddard School but was walking with a Montessori school in the parade.  Anyway, I realized my walk was almost a mile and half long each way so I feel better that I got some good exercise!

In other news, I never made it "blog official", but we are expecting our first baby on March 19!  I'm 14 weeks right now and in the "my loose jeans still fit if I don't button the top button" phase.  Maybe it's time for the belly band?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 years ago....and 2 years ago today.

What an emotional day this is for so many people.  I went to church this morning and felt so impacted by singing "Amazing Grace" I just started crying in church.  I felt so sad about not just 9/11 and those impacted by it, but mostly because of remembering Gayle Copenhaver.  She passed away 2 years ago today.  And I know that she is missed so very much, especially by my nephews, sister, and brother-in-law.

I do remember 9/11 as well and like so many people, can remember exactly what I was doing this day 10 years ago.  I remember going to my 7:35 a.m. class and coming back at the same time as Tory.  We turned on the Today show out of habit and were completely shocked by what we saw.  Katie Couric had broken into full news coverage mode and there was video of the Twin Towers billowing smoke.  I remember being very confused about not only WHAT was happening but WHY on earth they were talking about "terrorism" and why our country would be hated, by anyone.  I remember Tory kneeling down and automatically saying a prayer out loud with me for what was happening.  And I remember going to Chapel after classes were cancelled the rest of the day.  Later, I know we were watching the evening news and saw footage of men and young boys holding machine guns and cheering that this happened in America.  I remember feeling so utterly confused by that image for a long time.

And I don't want to diminish the 10th anniversary of 9/11, but I can't help but associate this day with Gayle and her battle against not only breast cancer but leukemia as well.  She was a strong woman, a survivor, and a fighter.  She was a grandmother to my nephews, a mother, a mother-in-law, and a part of our family.

Her passing had nothing to do with 9/11 but just as our country has pulled together after that terrible day, I know that our family has pulled together in strength after the day that Gayle passed away.