Sunday, October 30, 2011

It's a....


We announced last night at our Halloween party/my 30th birthday party that we're having a girl!  We wore Halloween costumes I made from this website:

I stenciled out the skeleton bones on freezer paper and ironed them onto some black clothes.  Then I painted the shapes onto the clothes with fabric paint.  It was a lot more work than I thought (b/c I'm a perfectionist and wanted the stencils to look GOOD). :)  But I think it turned out pretty well!  We were a big hit at the party and it was exciting to be able to talk about the fact that we're having a GIRL! (Well, I'm excited....Jay will be excited after some time I think.  He's just rolling his eyes at me how I'm oogling over all the cute girly baby clothes!).  :)

Next up: mini vacation to Dubuque this week to the Hancock House B & B to celebrate my birthday.  We spent the first few days after our wedding there and it was SO relaxing so hoping it will do the same this weekend!  Super excited to relax and not think about anything else!  And then Jay starts his new job at Best Buy Corporate next Monday!  Woo-hoo!

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!! You did such a great job with the skeletons and I love what's inside of Jay's belly! haha!!!
